11 February 2012

I should probably try to make writing a more regular past time...

So its been roughly a month since the last post I made (other than the one a few days ago) and it seems like there are people out there who actually read this... kudos to you... its a pretty lifeless, boring piece of work if you ask me... (then again... I did just proclaim to the world that I'm dating a woman...) Regardless... I am going to make a concerted effort to not be so boring and lifeless, and to be instead... well... something else.

As my few, fine readers know, I am studying Political Science at the University of Utah... but that I actually major in skiing. Best snow on Earth... with the exception of this season, which has been all but a dud. So, I've concentrated on my more formal course of study... hoping that it will whisk away my depressed mood about the lack of snow. How wrong I was...

I'm working on my thesis paper this semester since I'm not taking classes (I'm broke... no money for tuition, much less anything else). I decided to scrap my previous topic about terrorism being classified as a war crime, and instead, am playing around with ideas about politics and religion... how they relate to one another, and their affects on one another. Its daunting, and all new research needs to be done, but it'll be fascinating, and I'm excited to learn.

Other than that, there really isn't much to tell... my life is pretty boring. Not much going on...


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